Important to know:
Our Powerbox has since 2008 been sold trough channels with different names such as "OBR" and "Pagani" - these boxes are excatly the same as the product we sells today. -
Are you owner of an "OBR" box and wants the newest features then keep in mind:
To use software from ver. 9.xx needs the box to be reflashed here by us as manufactorer -
- Just ship the box to us and we will fix this for free.
Kind regards
Hans Hartmann
Documentation and Config Files:
Here is some examples of boxes made for clients::
HP8440 POWERBOX - The simplest way to distribute the electric
The HP8440 Powerbox is a powerunit that makes fuses and relays unneeded in your racecar.
The Powerbox replaces conventional fuses and relais, instead all power is controlled by this device.
Just type in the "fuse" size on each channel, link the input to an output function and you are ready to go.
The Box has a userfreindly CAN interface, this makes it possible to link to other devices such as ECU, Switch Panel, Dash panel, this feature makes the outputs to be operated automaticly example - when you crank the engine the fuelpumpe starts, when engine is running the powersteering starts automaticly.
CAN Values and status of channels can also be sendt out on the CAN system, this could be for logging purpose or for switching on Led's on the switchpanel, sending messages to the Dash ect.
The Powerbox has also some flash functions, making external relais for indicator unnessasary.
We have more than 1000 units in racingcars worldwide, making life simpler for the electrics and mechanics, the many wins we have made with our clients tells its own story, also in case of accident the box proves its skills and minimize the risk of fire.
Who donĀ“t remember the Audi LMP1 Crash in LeMans 2012 with Mc Nish and the Ferrari 458, there was no fire, no smoke, all electric was shut down within 1/1000 of a second. Again our Powerbox made it safer for the driver, and minimiced the chanche for fire. Audi, Ferrari, Porsche, Pagani and other manufacturers has chosen it - so its proven technology.
Please download the Product Datasheet, it explains a lot.
Also keep in mind - our software is free - download it, get our own configuration files and try to understand this fantastic unit. If you need help or have questions Please contact us.
Your success is our success.
Kind regards
Hans Hartmann Petersen
"the man behind the Powerbox"
Please notice - we laser engrave your logo on your box - this is the colours standard we have on stock.
if you have special demands - lets know.